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    • #1530
      Book Girls’ Guide

        Was this book a good fit for the Read Around the USA Challenge?

      • #1563

          Yes, I really enjoyed the easy style of her writing. It read quickly and kept my interest.

          • #1566

              Yes, I think it was an easy coming of age story to read that covered some unique qualities around location.  It was not a book I would have read had I not found it on your list.

            • #1580

                I enjoyed this book a lot. I felt like it fit more in the lifetime challenge or the decades challenge, because the life experiences of the young main character and the story’s historical setting are more in the forefront, as opposed to the sense of place. I’d still keep it on any of those lists though. This was one of my favorite books that I read in 2023.

            • #1574
              Anne Goff

                I really liked this sweet story. Nothing terrible happened yet it was engaging from beginning to end. I don’t know Baltimore at all but it gave a sense of the area. It definitely reflected the time period.

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