To finish or DNF that is the question?!?!?!

Forums Reader Chat What Are You Reading? To finish or DNF that is the question?!?!?!

  • This topic has 11 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Azroomie.
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    • #370
      Shelli Truax

        For my last June read I am trying to finish the Decades Challenge and I chose a book off my “classics” TBR bookshelf that fit in, Lolita by Vladamir Nabokov. I am about 3/4 of the way through and I am having to force my way through reading the book. I’m wondering if anyone else has read it and what their thoughts were and if they were able to finish or if it ended up on your DNF list?

      • #387
        Book Girls’ Guide

          I haven’t read that one, but I can tell you that I forced myself to finish another beloved classic, and in that case, I just wished I had stopped sooner!  It’s hard to stop when you’re that far in, though! Hopefully someone else will have some book-specific insight for you!

        • #404
          Heather Hale

            I feel like there are so many classics to read that if one doesn’t work for you, then try another!  I have been trying to read Vanity Fair, but even though I am over half way through, I will DNF this one.

            • #721

                Oh wow I loved Vanity Fair, I found it very funny. I first read it in high school and then reread it last year.


            • #487
              Tami Hinshaw

                Since forced to read some terrible memoirs for a class in my MALS program, I never intend to finish a book I am not enjoying.  Before that I would never stop a book – it felt like cheating.  Now I realize there are too many books I can enjoy.  Also, it doesn’t mean the book is bad if I stop, it just isn’t for me at the moment.

              • #537

                  I believe that you need to give a book a good 3-4 chapters to see if you like it, but then if it is not for you…. why finish? When you are in school you are forced to read books to completion, but when you are reading for enjoyment, if you don’t enjoy it, why read it?

                • #539
                  Amy V

                    Since you are that far in maybe check out the audio version from your library and listen to it at a higher speed to finish?

                  • #647

                      I was really into Nabokov when I was in my 20s and read a lot of his work.
                      I decided to reread Lolita last year since I’m working my way through some lists of classics.

                      the subject matter is appalling, but I was blown away at how beautifully it was written.  I’ve been meaning to reread more of his books, since it’s been so long that I’ve forgotten everything.

                      • #671
                        Shelli Truax

                          Julie, thanks for your response!
                          i did end up finishing it. The subject matter was my issue, but you are also right about how the book was written. Someone else I ran across bravely gave it a 4out of 5 stars on her Goodreads acct and I told her she was a more fair critic than I was.

                          Appreciate your comment, thanks again!

                      • #742

                          I have way too many books that I want to read to keep going with something that I don’t care about. Often if I am getting distracted and having to force myself back to it, I’ll skip 20-50 pages and read a page or two, and that’s often enough to get me to question and want to know how we got there, so I’ll go back and read. If that doesn’t work I may read the last few pages. if my curiousity still isn’t sparked, I’ll often give up at that point. I know I’ve gotten as close to 20 pages to the end of a 500 page book and just didn’t care, so I quit. Life’s too short, and too many books.

                        • #1411

                            I agree with those  that  say  life  is too short  to  force yourself to finish  a book.  The one  that  I feel  “guilty’  for never finishing  is  Little  Women.  I just can’t push through  and I have  an abridged  copy  also.. I have seen  different versions  of the movie but I  just  can’t get  into  the  book  enough.

                          • #1412

                              I did  finish Lolita  ans  I just  didn’t get what  the  hype  was  about.   It  was  not  my bag  at  all..

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                          Forums Reader Chat What Are You Reading? To finish or DNF that is the question?!?!?!