• This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Carol V.
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    • #2254
      Cathy Skidmore

        I was really bothered by the asides in the parentheses. They were excessive in my opinion. I liked the story a lot but the book was very long. Maybe a few of her lives could have been left out. The life when she stayed in Germany was good. And lastly, I really needed more closure at the end. Did she come back again and gave to do it all over forever and ever?

      • #2307

          I agree. I liked parts of it but it was very repetitive, especially in the beginning. I also wanted to know if she is doomed to keep living her life repeatedly forever or if she ever “got it right.” It seemed set up for a never ending loop which seemed unsatisfying to me. I was torn with the questio. As to whether I would recommend it.

        • #2562
          Carol V

            I loved the concept of the story but I did start to feel that once she learned a lesson the universe would knock her down the next chance it got. One of my favorite genre is  “What if” stories esp with historical fiction.

            “A God In Ruins” by  the same author is a different perspective of one of the timelines. I didn’t like it as much but I think if you think you might read it do it soon as it may make more sense if you recently read “Life after Life”


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