• This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by Tara Pease.
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  • Author
    • #1941
      Wendy Connell

        I rated the book 3 stars on Goodreads. Things I liked: Learning about Vincent Van Gogh’s life through his sister-in-law’s eyes. I’m familiar with his paintings, but I didn’t realize he died by suicide at such a young age. I never considered who his family was or how his paintings became so well-known. This part was fascinating. I loved learning that a woman took the lead in making this happen, even though the events leading up to it were heartbreaking. Things I didn’t like: There were several grammatical errors in my copy of the book in the beginning, which was distracting. I also could have done without the current-day events. That storyline wasn’t as compelling, and I tried to read those chapters more quickly to get to the next. Overall, it was a good premise, but this book did not need the dual timeline as it didn’t add much to the story. What did you think?


      • #1942

          I had a similar reaction to this book. I enjoyed learning more about how Van Gogh became famous after his death. I was aware that he wasn’t popular during his lifetime but I didn’t realize that it was the tireless work of his sister in law that brought his work to the people.

          I generally do not like dual timelines, and this was no exception. I didn’t like the modern chapters at all. Very predictable. As soon as she opened the door and found Bram on her doorstep it was obvious this was a love interest.  I don’t like romance novels, and Emsely’s part of the book was more romance than historical fiction.

          i realized after finishing that the author generally writes romance and fantasy and this was her first foray into historical fiction.  After countless rejections she ended up self publishing, which would explain some of the typos in the early part of the book.

          overall, I didn’t hate this book, and I was glad to read about Vincent Van Gogh. It’s the reason i picked this one up. I just could have done without the modern half- I would have rather read about Johana.

        • #1975
          Tara Pease

            I didn’t read this as part of this challenge, but I have read it.  I loved the parts about Johanna Bonger but could have done without the modern parts as well.  I knew Van Gogh’s work wasn’t widely known (or appreciated) until after he committed suicide.  I never knew about his brother or that without his sister-in-law, his works would have been forgotten.

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