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    • #280
      Book Girls’ Guide

        Do you think this book was a good fit for the Decades Challenge?

      • #368
        Anita I Fraundorf

          I believe this is a good fit for the 1950’s Decade and traveling by car along the Lincoln Highway.

          I was not one of the people who loved this book (it got 3 stars from me) because I found it to be just too far-fetched (finding people right away in New York City, having a good experience riding the rails, etc).  I know many others who loved this book (I just wasn’t one of them).

        • #377

            I am with Anita on this one.  Not my favorite, but glad I read it. I got a little confused about the characters at first and thought the book was long.  I do believe it was a good fit for the challenge topic and I learned about traveling during that time.

          • #384
            Kathy Coaker

              Yes, it was a good fit for the challenge. I found it very interesting.

            • #580

                I agree-this book was fine, and certainly fit well with the theme, but I wasn’t super interested. 3/5 stars for me.

              • #706
                Kris Ingra

                  Absolutely. I am one who loved the story line.

                • #799

                    Absolutely. I loved the book. It seemed very 50’s to me – especially in relation to rural Kansas/Nebraska.

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