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    • #1571

        I’m curious if others have read Dickens’ David Copperfield either before or after reading Demon.
        I love Victorian lit, and have read several Dickens but hadn’t  read Copperfield yet.  I ended up reading it about a month after reading this one.  I wish I had read it first because it seems more natural to read the source material first.

      • #1575

          Julie – that’s a wonderful idea – I should do that! I remember some of what I learned in probably middle  school (?) about the original, but am sure reading again would add a new dimension to Kingsolver’s update.

          Thanks for the suggestion!

        • #1576

            I heard the author discuss creating this character and setting here:


            Hope you enjoy!

          • #1585

              Thanks Kathy- I’ll give this a listen!

            • #1592

                I am in the middle of a movie version of David Copperfield on Hulu (with Dev Patel). I am loving it, but I’m not sure exactly how closely it follows the book as I read it approximately 100 years ago. I used to read all of Barbara Kingsolver’s books but didn’t keep up with them for some reason. I also heard her on the Armchair Expert podcast and Loved her. I  loved what she had to say about the power of reading and how she decided the way in which she wrote this book. I am about halfway through and am amazed by it. Like Dax Shepherd said on the podcast, if you didn’t know who the author was, you could only assume it was a male who had actually lived this life. I am simultaneously watching the Hulu show “Dopesick” which she references as a good look into the origins of the opioid epidemic.

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