Do you read one book at a time or multiple?

Forums Reader Chat Other Book Talk… Do you read one book at a time or multiple?

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    • #440

        I have found this to be a fun question. I like to read multiple, but they have to be different format like I usually have an ebook, audio, and physical book all going at once. Though right now I have a nonfiction and a fiction ebook going and that’s working for me.

        • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Book Girls' Guide.
      • #477
        Betty Sight

          Until a couple years ago I always read only one book at a time. But then I started participating in some reading challenges and online book groups and began reading more at once. Now I generally have going at once: an audiobook I listen to when I go for walks, a book I read a couple chapters of each day over the month for a book group, and a book I’m reading for a challenge. I do try to keep each book in a different genre though. I don’t like reading two different fantasy or SciFi books at the same time.

        • #484

            Love this question! I almost always have more than one, but also always in different formats. An audiobook for the car, gardening, and laundry time + a Kindle for before bed and when I’m stuck waiting somewhere + a paper book because I’m addicted to buying paper books so then I feel like I should probably read them. 🙂

          • #485
            Tami Hinshaw

              I always have 3 books going  (sometimes 4).  One ebook, one hardcover and one audiobook.  I often have a hardcover nonfiction book in the mix as well.  It makes it easier to have something that fits my reading mood.  I am amazed by how often there are connections between two books I am reading, even though they seemed to be quite different when I picked them up.

              • #541

                  Ooh I haven’t really had connections between multiple books so that’s super cool.

              • #538

                  I typically only read one at a time. I have in the past read two if the book I’m reading is too emotional to read at bedtime, I will start a second lighter book.

                • #574


                  • #581
                    Theresa Chimenti

                      I just started reading multiple at a time.  The discovery of audiobooks has been a game changer!

                      • #767

                          It has been a game changer for me too. Sometimes all I am able to read is audiobooks.

                      • #631
                        Patty O’Connor

                          My brain can only manage one book at a time!

                        • #652

                            Usually just one.  I only do audio books if I have a long drive, so in those cases I’d have an audio and physical book.

                            if I’m reading a non fiction book that drags sometimes I’ll start a fiction book too and switch between them.

                          • #744

                              My ADHD brain often gets distracted, so I’m either reading more than one book at a time (2-3) or I’m researching background related to what I’m reading.  This definitely is a helpful trait as a teacher of multiple types of classes and with students and my own kids reading a variety of different things at once.  Currently, I’m reading The Color of Ice (loving the descriptions of Iceland and ice, not so much the descriptions of blowing glass), just started Kingsolver’s Demon Copperhead – WHAT A VOICE her narrator Demon has!, and am researching a webquest and background for my Native American folktales unit in my American lit class in August. The drawback is I sometimes struggle to remember specific details when I’m going back and forth. I have a feeling Demon is going to co-opt my brain once I get really going with that plot. I was hesitant, because I hated Dickens’s David Copperfield.

                            • #1894
                              Wendy Kaye

                                I’m jumping in here really late. I have multiple books going all the time. Audiobooks at bedtime, one at a time. Multiple ebooks going, because I review ARCs, post the reviews on my blog and share via social media. Plus I am working on a few reading challenges. I do enjoy hard copies, but I’m getting “old,” so need large print and plenty of light to read them, so tend to prefer ebooks anymore.

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                            Forums Reader Chat Other Book Talk… Do you read one book at a time or multiple?