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    • #2305
      Lori Baucom

        I gave it 3.75 because I kept having mixed feelings. I know we can’t judge the past with current standards but it was hard to rate because of knowledge now. Parts of it were funny and heart-warming, but other times it seemed to be making fun of the condition. Some of the jokes about BMI feel flat too. Of all the quiks the author had to choose one that would make room for fat jokes. Gene’s characters treatment of woman was irritating too.

        There is much more acceptance and knowledge of Autism now. I will read the next in the series because I read that the author has since researched and made progress on his take of the spectrum.

      • #2557
        Carol V

          Yeah I didnt rate it very high either. It was a  fine story but i was taken aback by the items that seemed to make fun of his quirks.  I just wouldn’t have rated it as a book you couldn’t miss and it doesnt age well now that many of the traits have been more normalized.

        • #2571

            A fun read and a really interesting character. Witty and funny throughout and a really quick read. Some laugh out loud moments and hilarious depictions. Also some pretty annoying things like the misogynistic fat shaming. I’d give it a 2.5.

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