I enjoyed this self-guided challenge

Forums The 2023 Reading Challenge Discussion Groups Lifetime of Reading I enjoyed this self-guided challenge

  • This topic has 9 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Kathy Coaker.
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  • Author
    • #406
      Patty O’Connor

        I liked doing this challenge on my own.  I read a lot, so I was bound to come across characters in each age group and didn’t have to go out of my way to find books that fit. It made me realize how many books are written about 20 and 30 year olds and how few have main characters in their 50s!

      • #407

          That’s great to hear, and your observation is in line with what we found putting together the lists as well! Although in an unintentional trend, I’ve read The Celebrants, Five-Star Weekend, and The Spectactular this month and all three have charaters in their 50s – yay!

          • #413
            Patty O’Connor

              Just testing how this works.

              You’re the best!

              • #415
                Book Girls’ Guide

                  Success! I’m so glad you asked about the threading!

            • #410
              Tammy Wasserman

                I’ve enjoyed this challenge because there is no set sequence.  I’ve jumped around between the age groups when I find the books at the library.

              • #414

                  The Lifetime Reading Challenge has been a perfect fit for me!!!  I am a bit of a literary snob and tend to only read historical fiction so I have been able to find books that fit my preferred genre while still staying on track.  And lucky for me, there is usually at least one historic option from the suggested reading lists.  It’s also great that since this is self-paced, I can wait for weeks if necessary to get a free copy from the library for my next “age group”.  It’s always a bonus when I choose books that are not my typical choices based on the summary provided on your suggested reading list and I actually like them!!!
                  This thread will be a great way to find and provide other suggestions to keep me going!

                • #438

                    I agree that the self paced is nice! While I get “behind” in the others…I feel ahead in this one since I think I only have four left.

                  • #783
                    Tami Hinshaw

                      This is my favorite challenge, mainly because it has allowed me to pull books from my TBR at greater frequency than the other challenges

                    • #1030

                        I did this one before it was self-paced and liked it better that way but I can understand others who didn’t. I’m doing all 3 of the others so forget to pull out the lifetime list. However I’ve read quite a few that I think might actually fit better on this list and there is quite a bit of overlap. (Ie. Main character in her 30s, book set in 1940s Alabama — what list do you put it on? I tend to focus more on characterization so feel that many books could go here.


                      • #1417
                        Kathy Coaker

                          I wasn’t sure at first but have grown to appreciate being able to read books that fit the Challenge when I am able to borrow them from the library or Kindle Unlimited. I have mostly stuck with the order that we used last year just to give me a framework.

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                      Forums The 2023 Reading Challenge Discussion Groups Lifetime of Reading I enjoyed this self-guided challenge