• This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Shelli Truax.
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    • #2259
      Nancy Bethel

        I read this book years ago but still think about it.  How our perception of reality may be totally different from the truth! What did you think about that??

      • #2287

          I think we all have “small” disconnects like when you see yourself in photos and you are heavier or older than the self-image you carry. But wrongfully blaming someone for murder or realizing there are major truths you dont lnow about your husband – that’s next level. Hard to reconcile.

        • #2289

            What I thought was interesting and true to how our mind works, was the self talk of the main characters. They acknowledged at different point throughout the book how they think other see their actions verses their true intentions or circumstances.

          • #2297
            Nancy Bethel

              What I meant, tho, was the fact that he DIDN’T kill her. He THOUGHT  he did.  And he lived his life as if he had.

              • #2554
                Shelli Truax

                  @nancybethel Yes! Not only did he think he killed her, but because his family didn’t do a full autopsy they didn’t know about the medical issue that ACTUALLY killed her, so they believed she was murdered.
                  Does it make it all better or something that should be swept under the rug, no, but a whole different life for all with that knowledge.

              • #2329
                Tammy Wasserman

                  He was portrayed as such a good father, but could such a good man have done what he did? Maybe because he was a teenager at the time?

                  But his “lapses” throughout his life show how difficult it was to live with!

                • #2338

                    The mind is a powerful thing and we can convince ourself of things without realizing it. When we remember only parts of things our mind fills in the gaps to make the memory complete and believable. Also people believe what they want to believe. Even when the facts contradict our beliefs we will hold to our beliefs and discount the facts.

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