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    • #517
      Book Girls’ Guide

        Was this book a good fit for the Decades Challenge?

      • #593
        Sandy Carowick

          Yes, I finished a great book (which is on one of the challenge lists for July) and was concerned about how I could follow up with anything that would be as good. And this was the perfect book! I enjoyed the humor and it was so well written. Definitely an enjoyable read for the decade.


          • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Sandy Carowick.
        • #619
          Heather Wescott

            Yes – this is the first book I’ve read by Ivan Doig but I doubt it will be the last. I enjoyed the story and the humor, the array of characters and situations and the sense of time and place. It was very well done on audio too.

          • #738

              I’m not sure how much the book presents the 1950s perspective – so in that it maybe would not be one to stay on the decade’s list. I did enjoy the book though the characters showing up over and over again throughout the journey and the ending was a bit unbelievable. I loved the voice of Donal, felt like he was almost a mid-20th century Mark Twain/Huck Finn kind of character.  This was my first Ivan Doig, though I’ve had him recommended by several over the last 10 years. I love the characters he creates and will definitely be open to reading more from him.

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