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  • Author
    • #283
      Book Girls’ Guide

        Do you think this book was a good fit for the Read Around the USA Challenge?

      • #369
        Shelli Truax

          I liked this book, although I was in the COMPLETE dark about what it was and for some reason had a different idea of what it was going to be when I picked it up at a 2nd hand store. It’s been sitting on my TBR shelf, so when it came up on the June list it provided a perfect pick for me to read.

          I will say without providing any spoilers at this time, it was quite a solemn book, so I needed a light read as a palette cleanser after reading it.


        • #379
          Kathy Coaker

            Yes.  It was tough to read at some points.  Edward’s journey made the hard parts worthwhile.

          • #551
            Peggy Ondera

              I think it should stay on the list, as a number of people really loved it. I was not one of them but I may be the outlier on this. It was hard to get attached to the characters, knowing what happens.

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Peggy Ondera.
            • #704
              Kris Ingra

                I am one who really liked this book. I found the premise intriguing and thoughtfully handled.

              • #726
                Connie Doll

                  I do think this book should stay on the list.  It was thought-provoking.  What would one do in his situation?

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