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    • #1186
      Book Girls’ Guide

        Was this book a good fit for the Book Voyage Challenge?

      • #1192

          Yes, I learned a lot about northern Asia and North Korea.

        • #1198

            Absolutely! Since North Korea is such a closed off country there aren’t too many books that let you get a good glimpse inside of it.  I think this book did an excellent job of showing us what life is like there.

          • #1222
            Jill Gross

              Yes – Just like Emily and Julie stated – I learned so much about North Korea and it’s relationship with South Korea and China – knew it was bad but just how bad it really is.  Also it’s always interesting to read about racism in other countries as everyone always thinks US is so bad – brings light to the fact that it is unfortunately everywhere in some form or another.  Caste system is racism.  The struggle is real.  Her father was smart for making her learn other languages of China has this contributed a great deal for her to fit in.  I say she was a luck girl to make it out.


            • #1248
              Kris Ingra


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