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  • Author
    • #293
      Book Girls’ Guide

        Do you think this book was a good fit for the Book Voyage Challenge?

      • #352

          Yes!  I don’t know much about the land but it was an interesting book.

          • #353
            Book Girls’ Guide

              We’re glad you enjoyed it!


          • #382
            Kathy Coaker

              Yes, I learned a lot about that part of Australia’s history.

            • #547
              Amy V

                I struggled with this one specifically with the inclusion of the aboriginal girl. I think this book tells an important story about the penal colonies in Australia and the treatment of the women/children within them– but I felt like the author was stretching to include the treatment of Native children in a way that just didn’t fit. I feel like that topic could deserve a whole story of its own and this one felt way too disjointed as a result.

              • #634
                Beth Nemchek

                  Yes, I loved learning more about the Australian continent! I was able to find some great info about Flinders Island and the women’s penal colony online. I’m a sucker for an uplifting ending and this book nailed that!

                • #713
                  Jill Gross

                    I love historical fiction – I’ve learned so much along the way – including this book.  Had no idea that woman were treated so poorly – guess for the time frame should have realized it.  I had known England used Australian continent for men prison’s and recently finished In A Sunburned Country which does give you a good feel for the land and hardships there.  I loved most of the characters – of course the ones I didn’t like – there is always some in the crowd because there are always people in the world no matter the time frame that are out only to take care of themselves.  I think the book should stay on the list

                  • #756
                    Leslie C

                      I think it should stay on the list.  It is good to have a variety and different time periods represented.  I think it is an important part of history and worth knowing.  Also, it is just a good book.

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