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    • #1490
      Anne Goff

        I found myself questioning how Lessa got from a rich socialite to killing her abusive husband to being a mass murderer.  In the Lessa chapters I never felt she was a psychopath.  She came across as a rich, somewhat entitled young woman who became trapped in an ever more abusive marriage.  Thinking of killing her husband as the only solution to escaping her marriage seemed extreme only because with her parents’ money and power, she likely could have gotten out (unlike so many women in abusive relationships who have no outside resources).  But I still don’t understand how she became a woman who plotted the murder of so many people.  I felt it was a big hole in the story.  Did you see something I missed?

      • #1510
        Laura DiBacco

          I thought Lessa’s whole story was strange.  Right from the beginning I got the sense she chose him because it would upset her parents.  I agree she could have left the marriage easily.  I can possibly see why she’d kill her husband to get away from him (in a story), but to go on and kill so many others?

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