Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

Forums 2024 Reading Challenge Discussion Groups Read Around the USA Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Stephanie Newhart.
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    • #1985
      Stephanie Newhart

        I enjoyed this book, but it was challenging because at many times, I found myself not understanding and getting frustrated with the actions of some of the characters.  Such as how could William give up his daughter and how could Julia be happy with that decision.  But, I felt I gained insight into depression and how it manifests itself in the actions of people who suffer from depression and how other people react to those suffering from depression.  Also, I saw people make the same choices that they resented their parents for making.  I felt like the book strengthened my understanding of the struggles that some people have to handle.

      • #2284
        Nancy Bethel

          I absolutely agree with you, about how this book gave insight into depression.

          i too was shocked that William gave up his daughter. But then it became clear that he did it because he loved her so much, and he didn’t want his own darkness to dampen her light.  Mind blowing. Finally- I understood how a parent could give up a child.  Sometimes it would take a parents’ intense love for that to happen.

        • #2285
          Nancy Bethel

            In the Beautiful book, it says the Dad saw and lived in the beauty and oneness of the world, and that is why he had to drink. What does that mean? Why did that make him have to drink?

          • #2310
            Stephanie Newhart

              I thought the father was similar to the father in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  He is a romantic alcoholic who doesn’t provide for his family, but he does see the beauty in the world.  But, his saying that he saw and lived in the beauty and oneness of the world, and that is why he had to drink seems like another example of a character who had to struggle to rise above his nature.

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          Forums 2024 Reading Challenge Discussion Groups Read Around the USA Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano